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Rolex isn't new to this game. They were even replica watches uk part of the 1960 Deepsea mission just as they were with the 2012 mission. Aside from merely being a sponsor, the brand developed a new Rolex Deepsea watch to go down with the ship. Most dive watches are pressure tank tested. Meaning they go into special dry tanks which rolex replica simulate water pressure and test to see if air leaks into a watch case. That's useful and all, but Rolex replica watches sale wanted to test its new experimental watch as deep as possible in real water. Strapped to the Deepsea Challenger's robotic arm was the new, not-likely-ever-for-sale rolex replica sale Deepsea Challenge watch. Robots - as our future overlords - will apparently also prefer to wear mechanical watches. In a sense the story of the watch's mission is rolex replica sale almost anti-climatic. It went down to almost 11,000 meters and came up just fine and rolex replica without a hiccup.